Choosing from among 37 applicants, the Student Council awarded 22 scholarships to upperclassmen last night.
Of a total of $1290 asked for by the candidates, the Council awarded $505. an increase of $3.00 over the stipends awarded last November. Most of the scholarships were under $50 each. In addition the council proposed an investigation into the possibilities of Pan-American scholarships.
Awards are made to upperclassmen whom the Council deems worthy and who need assistance in paying the current term bill.
In the past years the Council has been able to satisfy only one-half of the scholarship demands made upon it. E. Laugdon Burwell '41. treasurer of the Student Council, has stated, however, that if 95 of the pledges could be collected this year. it would enable the organization to fill all the requests made of it.
Seniors awarded scholarships are: R. R. Andrews. E. A. Campbell. D. D. Henry. J. R. Pitts, E. V. Salvatore. J. P. Schwede. R. D. Shea. R. P. Stephens. T. Watkins., Jr.
The Juniors are: B. D. Frank. G. S. Goldstein. W. H. Jay. I. R. Messinger. E. L. F. Ochsner. J. J. O'Neill. G. Rohde. B. A. Staff. J. Sorokahn. R. W. Stone.
Sophomores on the list are: J. A. Rafferty. M. Richter. A. P. Ruderman.
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