

Contribution Deadline Extended to Eliminate Conflict With Term Bill

Total collections from all college dormitories and Houses in the Student Council War Relief Drive inaugurated ten days ago reached $1400 in actual cash, last night, it was announced by David D. Henry '41, chairman of the committees sponsoring the drive.

Realizing that many students have expressed a desire to contribute but have been unable because of term bills and the coming Yale weekend, Henry stated that donations will be received through the first week in December.

Collectors will cover the college once more for the advantage of students who have yet been unable to fulfill their pledges. Contributions may also be made by check either to Treasurer John Bunker '42 or to the War Relief Drive offices in Phillips Brooks House.

Red Cross Included

Contrary to the customs of previous years, a separate Red Cross drive will not be held this year. Instead, it will be combined with five other charitable institutions, who will each receive one-sixth of the total proceeds.


The change this year was due to the pressing need for money for the relief of war-stricken sufferers in Europe.

In addition to the Red Cross, the other charities included in the drive are the American Friends' Service Committee, the Allied Relief Fund, World Student Service Fund, British War Relief Society, and English Speaking Union.
