Claiming that American colleges and universities pay far too much attention to the intellectual aspect of the student, and far too little to his morals and character, Professor Pitirim A. Sorokin stated his conception of an ideal college for the development of both to a recent Soc. A class.
The entrance examination would consist of having hundreds of beautiful chorus girls, scantily clothed, lounging around the Yard, beside tables of delectable edibles. Any prospective student who possessed the moral character to withstand the seductive charms of both the women and food for three days would then be eligible to attend the Sorokin Academy; provided that he was also a mental genius.
But then his "withstanding" ability would just be starting, for, during the next twenty years or so he would be taught by much the same methods as are used to educate the Brahma caste of the Hindus; and his personal life would be regulated according to the gentle rules of the tougher monastic orders.
The student "shall obey his teacher. . . shall care for him, feed him, and put him to bed after washing his teacher's feet. The student shall avoid honey, meat, sleep in the daytime. . . shoes, love, anger, and the gaze and touch of women." His bed, according to Spartan Sorokin, must be a plank, and during his years in training he shall not see a woman, for "women make men soft."
During this period the student would receive very intensive intellectual study, in addition to the moral discipline. On his graduation from this college, the student would be an educated man.