After several weeks of canvassing in the Freshman halls, the subscription campaign of the Red Book has moved into the Union in a new attack against the sales resistance of the Class of '44.
Seated behind a poster depicting an attractive young lady apparently looking in the Register for the name of a Freshman, the subscription solicitors secured 50 signatures on the dotted line yesterday in one and one-half hours at noon time. To date one-third of all the subscriptions expected have been obtained.
System Clicks
Originally intended just as publicity to make the task of these soliciting in the halls easier, the desk in the Union at meal times proved so successful yesterday, that Business Manager James A. Melrose '44 intends to continue the practice indefinitely.
Although Roy Atherion '44, editor-in-chief of the Red Book, has set no definite date for distribution, he has said that the Register will be published the first week in December. The uncertainty about the date is caused by the fact that about 40 Freshman pictures have not yet been taken.
All Freshmen have been urged to subscribe to the Red Book before December 1, because if they do they will receive the Register at no extra cost.