

Injured Lamarmen Hope To Improve Record With Win Over B.U. 1944

Hentry Lamar's battered Jayvee football team takes on another yearling aggregation when they meet Boston University 1944 this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock on Soldiers Field Last week the Jayvees won their first victory of the campaign when they downed the North-eastern Freshmen 20 to 6.

Tom Rogstad, Nat Young, and Walter Camp are all rendered temporarily inactive with injuries, so that the team which takes the field against the Terriers will not be at full strength.

B. U. Record Good

Except for a 14 to 2 setback at the hands of a powerful Boston College aggregation, the Terriers have had a successful season, winning from the Rhode Island State Freshmen and Huntington School, while tying Wentworth institute.

At present the Crimson record stands at a win, two ties, and a loss, for a perfect 500 rating, which Captain Fred Parts's men will be out to improve upon before their final game of the season with Yale next weekend at News Haven. Elisha Atkins, watch-charmguard, Greely Summers, and Bill LaCroix will start for the Jayvees.
