The second in the series, "Life Goes To a Party on the Air," will originate from Leverett House through WBZ on Saturday night and will be carried over a portion of the NBC blue network including WJZ, New York. The "Party" will be that following the Brown game, and will be broadcast from 11:30 to 12 midnight.
When "Life Goes To a Party On The Air" at Leverett House, Paul Wing NBC, and Bob White, WBZ, co-masters of ceremonies will bring to the WBZ microphone such Harvard-Brown football notables as Harvard Coach Skip Stahley, Harvard Captain Joseph Gardella, and Brown University Captain Louis Duesing. The Harvard Glee Club will entertain with several of their most popular numbers, while dance music will be supplied for the celebrating Collegiates by Lou Bonick and his orchestra, Feminine interest at the party will hail from Smith, Wellesley Vassar and Radcliffe.
"Life Goes To A party On The Air" is written and produced by George Ludlam of NBC and Lester O"Keefe, who produces the Rudy Vallee and Eddie Cantor radio shows.