
Business Council To Organize Tonight

Rearmament South American Affairs Chief Topics For Year's Discussion

The Harvard Business Council will begin its second year with an organization meeting on Friday night at 8 o'clock in the Dunster House Common Room

The work of the council is divided up into four committees: Topics, Publicity, Speakers, and Members. All economic concentrators who are interested in modern business problems are invited to join the Council.

Research and Discussion

The program for the coming year will devote most of the time of the Council to research and discussion of the economic consequences of the rearmament program. Key men from Washington will discuss these problems and those concerning trade with South America at various meeting during the year.

Clayton J. Clawson ocC is President of the organization. Faculty advisors are:Edward H. Chamberlin, professor of Economics and Chairman of the Department of Economics, John H. Williams, Nathaniel Ropes professor of political Economy and Dean of the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seymour E. Harris, associate professor of Economics, Edward S. Mason, professor of Economics, Abbott P. Usher, professor of Economics. Also Melvin T. Copeland, professor of Marketing and Olyde of O. Ruggles, professor of Public Utility Management of the Business School; and Russell A. Nixon and John D. William, instructors in Economics.
