A former Advocate editor and a recent President of the new-defunct Harvard Monthly will publish tomorrow the first issue of Vice Versa, a bi-monthly poetry magazine containing the work of new writers as well as poems by major contemporary figures.
Over 100 pages long and selling for only ten cents an issue, the new periodical is edited by Harry Brown and T. Dunstan Thompson '39. The first number will contain poems by W. H. Auden, Conrad Aiken, Richard Eberhardt, George Barker, and Theodore Spencer; and book reviews by John Slocum '36 and David Parry '38.
Since he left Harvard in 1939 at the end of his Sophomore year, Brown has worked on Time and for the past year has been a member of the New Yorker editorial staff. In 1938 he won the $500 Shelley Prize for Poetry. Thompson has contributed to the New Republic and Poetry Magazine.
Contributors to Vice Versa will be paid at the high (for poetry magazines) rate of ten cents a line.
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