
Crimson Will Open Wide Its Portals Tonight To First Yardling Candidates

News Board

A CRIMSON news competition is not designed particularly for the boy who intends to make the newspaper business his life's career. It is for the Freshman who has an itching to learn more about Harvard and more from Harvard than he can find in a Sever classroom.

For this reason candidates are not tied down by any routine or any restrictions such as make miscrable the life of a cub reporter on a metropolitan daily. After he has learned fundamental essentials of news-writing and from, the candidate is on his own to gather choice scoops where he can find them.

This does not mean that he gets no help from the CRIMSON board. An experienced news editor is on hand at all times during the six weeks to answer questions, to teach news-writing and to deal out assignments and leads on possible stories.

The very fact that a man is a CRIMSON candidate given him an entree into places from which he would usually be barred: theatre backstages. Wellesley float nights, political headquarters, and University Hall are all opened to the reporter.
