
Over the Wire

Washington Set For Draft; Liberal Interpretation Promised

WASHINGTON--Draft machinery swings into high gear this week with appointment of 25,000 local selective service board members, promulgation of rules governing classification and selection of registrants, and establishments of conscription quotas.

Officials disclosed that, in classifying and selecting the 16,404,000 registrants for potential military service, there will be a "most liberal" interpretation of the term "dependent" to avoid dislocation of the nation's social and economic structure.

They likewise indicated that all married men living with their wives would be classified as having "dependents" and thus receive deferment.

Of the 16,404,000 men between 21 and 36 who must register October 16, there will be a reservoir of about 5,000,000 without dependents and without "essential" occupations from which to draw for active military service, officials said in explaining the lenient deferment policy.
