

To the Editor of the Crimson:

The exigencies of journalism may have led the Crimson somewhat astray on its story about Trotsky's archives. The truth is much less melodramatic.

I. If the F. B. I. is indeed "investigating" Trotsky's archives for hot stuff, (which I doubt, for policemen never read), they are losing their time, for the said archives deal with matters of historical record which have long lost their news value. The G.P.U. has been interested in the archives, mostly in so far as they contain incontrovertible material pertaining to the Russian revolution which flatly contradicts the official "histories."

2. There is no need to review Trotsky's archives in order to recognize the "group" which raided his house in May 1940 or was behind the assassination in August. The painter Sisquier, well - known Stalinist, (and Mike "foot-in-the mouth" Gold himself confirmed the fact in a late issue of the Daily Worker) has readily acknowledged his leadership of the May raid.

3. Negotiations for the purchase of Trotsky's archives had been going on since June 1939, with the full knowledge and agreement of the leaders of the different Trotskyist groups. There is nothing in those archives which would justify the claim of the "Dallas paper" that "Exile's colleagues resented gift to Widener." You might at least credit Trotsky as not being a dope. Richard Pitts, President, Harvard Socialist League, 4th International.
