
H. D. C. Members Take New Executive Posts

Expansion Follows Adoption of Experimental Producing Policy

Another step in the Harvard Dramatic Club's new policy of expansion and emphasis on all-student productions was the election last night of a new enlarged Executive Committee of twelve members which will give a fuller voice to all its members in matters of policy.

Endeavoring to follow in the steps of Pierce Baker's famous 47 Workshop, the Club has recognized objections of members that the small Executive Committee of former years has completely monopolized the direction of the activities of the organization. The increased work of the two extra experimental productions to be undertaken this year also necessitates further divisions of work and responsibility.

S. Roger Sheppard ocC, and Richard W. Greenebaum '42, were retained as President and Treasurer respectively, while the new elections were as follows: A. George Rock '41, Vice-president; George Clay '43, Secretary; William G. Manson '41, Play-reader Librarian; Engene Rondy '42, House Manager; John Rand '43, Program Manager; Paul Southwick '43, Publicity Manager; John A. Holabird, Jr. '42, Art Director; Robert Nelley '43, Technician; Richard B. Chase '43, Electrician; and Farl Montgomery '43, Promotion Manager.
