Henry Lamar's Jayvee gridmen got their second tie in as many starts yesterday when Dartmouth staged a scoring really in the second half which resulted in a 13-all count.
Hank Vander Eb put on a feature kicking performance, tallying two field goals in the first and fourth periods, each from the 35-yard line, and getting off consistently long punts throughout the game.
The Lamermen started off with a bang in the initial canto with Vander Eb's placement, and increased their lead to 10 to 0 in the second period on a 2b-yard pass from Gus Bigwood to George Haydock and a conversion by Greely Summers.
After that the Crimson attack slowed down to a minimum just as the Big Green boys began to show some real punch. A Dartmouth score on a lateral pass and a 30-yard run came in the third quarter, and the try for extra point was successful.
Big Green Takes Lead
Early in the fourth they looped a 15-yard pass over the pay stripe but missed the conversion, making the score 13 to 10 in their favor.
Harvard's final tally came late in the last stanza on Vander Eb's second filed goal. From then on the game evolved into a mad aerial attack by both teams. The Crimson threatened at the end of the game, but was enable to push it over.
Other standouts for the Lamarmen besides Vander Eb included center Bill Laconic and guard Elisha Atkins on the defense, wingback Chub Lee, and passsnagger Haydock.
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