
Yardlings Open Second Season of Records

Concerts Planned for Sunday Nights; Committee of Five Chooses Pieces

The Freshman Concert Audience, innovated last year by Nathaniel Lauriat '43, started its new series last Sunday with Mozart's 40th Symphony and Schubert's Unfinished before a group of forty listeners.

Concerts will be given every Sunday after supper from 7 to 8 o'clock in the Upper Common Room of the Union. The purpose of the concerts is merely to give pleasure, education being incidental. The programs consist of a brief introductory piece and a symphony or two of shorter pieces.

After November hours the organization will be left entirely in the hands of a committee of five Freshmen. This committee will choose the programs according to popular request. The records are borrowed from the Music Department and from members of the class.

The Concert audience also supervises the Record Library in the Language Center, which like the concerts, is a free service of the Union.
