
Sample Letter For Out of State Registrants

Selective Service Board

Pineville, Langdell County

State of America.

Dear Sirs:

I am student at Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts. I registered under the Selective Service Act there, giving my name and home address, which puts me under your jurisdiction, as-follow:


John Jay Doe

124 Cedar Street

Pineville, Langdell County

State of America.

Mail sent to me at this permanent address will have to be forwarded to me at Cambridge while I am studying. Could I have an extension of time to ten days for returning my questionnaire, and acting upon any other notices under regulations 320 (c), 336, 368, and 371?

As I am so far away as to make it most inconvenient to appear in person before your Board, could I also apply to have my classification and physical examination transferred to Massachusetts Selective Service Board No. 47. Phillips Brooks House, Cambridge, Massachusetts, after my questionnaire has been returned to you, as Regulations 382 and 384 permit?

However, since my home address is within the jurisdiction of your local Board, and I am only staying here temporarily as a student, I am not seeking to have jurisdiction over my registration transferred to the Cambridge Local Board, except for classification and physical examination. Very truly yours,   John Jay Doe.
