

An all-round broader policy is in the offing for the Harvard Dramatic Club. Sensing past injustices done the majority of its members, the Club's Executive Committee will in the future give more weight to the beliefs and desires of its fellow-actors. The production schedule for the coming year is at the same time a sign of a fuller understanding of the services it can give Harvard theatre-goers.

Under its present organization, the H. D. C. is guided in its choice of plan and policy by the opinions of a cabal-like Executive Committee. Although such concentration of power has been unintentional, it has nevertheless deprived forty ordinary members of almost all say as to what, when and why the productions of the Club shall be. Cheerfully resenting the dissipation of their ten-dollar membership fee toward a production they may have had no liking for, this rank and file has not been able to give their best to the Club.

This year's schedule proposes four plays instead of the usual two. More emphasis will be placed upon the type of student production which will corner the interest of a student audience. Two of the four plays will attempt to follow in the successful trail blazed by Auden's "Ascent of F-6" last year. The others will delve into the experimental field of drama--new, or little-known works that afford pleasant diversion for both actor and audience.

When and if the Dramatic Club grants a fuller voice to all its members in matters of policy, it will be better able to carry out the difficult but enjoyable program it has set for itself this year. Likewise, members will feel more cooperative when they know their vote means as much as that of any other. The final result will be better drama, better times and better returns for both producers and public.
