
Improved Book Delivery System For Widener

Inventory Reveals Many Lost Copies; Popular Editions to be Restricted

To reduce the delay in obtaining books at Widener, librarians are now rearranging the volumes in the stacks and are stepping up their delivery system, Frederick G. Kilgour '35, of the Widener staff, stated yesterday.

In a careful inventory which is now being conducted in the stacks, librarians discovered that some books had been placed in the wrong shelves, and they found several volumes which they had thought were lost.

The library has inaugurated a system of making a preliminary search for a missing book before the student who wants it leaves the call desk. Recently 32 volumes, which for one reason or another had been misplaced, were found in this way one day.

For the first time this fall, call slips of books, which have already been charged out, are placed in a special file, so that officials can have an exact record of the works in greatest demand. In this way, librarians can tell from day to day whether more duplicate copies of any works are needed.

This week Widener began a system of restricting the time in which popular books can be kept out to seven or four days. Upon their return, they are placed back in the stacks more quickly than formerly.
