
Adams Slated for Close Fight With Kirkland; Dudley Favored

Commuters Have Edge on Bellboys; Kirkland Wins From Eliot Touchmen

Fresh from their 12-0 win over the Bellboys last Wednesday, the Gold Coasters are scheduled for a close battle with Kirkland today. George Kuhn and Bob James will lead the Adams offense against the strong Deacon line. Except for Johnny Addington and Jack Eberle, however, the Deacons have little offensive strength.

In the second game of the afternoon, Dudley is favored over a weakend Lowell eleven. Sparked by back Johnny Santosuoso, the Commuters hope to redeem themselves from their 0-0 tie with Eliot last week. Veterans Bill Murphy, Dean Morse, and Elmer Taylor, however, may succeed in pulling the Bellboy's out of last week's rut.

In the Touch leagues, Kirkland routed Eliot 20-6 in yesterday's battle.
