

Soccer Eleven Looking For Revenge Against Williams Booters Tomorrow

The Varsity cross country team will open its season this afternoon at 4 o'clock favored over a Boston University squad. On Saturday at 12 o'clock the varsity soccer eleven will seek revenge for last year's defeat by Williams on the field behind the Business School.

Jaakko Mikkola, harrier coach will choose seven runners from among Captain Burwell, Bob Nichols, Kay Rogers Bob McLoughlin, Eddie Cook, John Sopka, Tom McElligott, Bob Jay, and Malcolm Mackenzie. The first three are favored to finish with the leaders, while Cook, a darkhorse Sophomore who has never run before, promises to put up a good fight. Although B.U. won the race last year by a yard or two, Mikkola expressed optimism yesterday, stating that B.U. "doen't have a chance of winning!"

The Varsity soccer line-up for Saturday is: Penson, g; Ives, rfb; Oresman, lhb; Myerson, rhb; Edgar, chb; McCook, lhb; Willetts, ro; Murphy, rl; Calhoun, cf; Vorley, li; Herskovits, lo.

The Freshman soccer team will play Worcester Academy at Worcester at 2:30 Saturday afternoon.
