

Compilation of Questionnaire Will Be Completed Saturday: New Housing May Result

Results of the graduate housing poll, compilation of which will be completed within the week, may lead to the erecting of a housing unit for members of the Law School and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences similar to those at the Business and Medical Schools.

James M. Landis, Dean of the Law School, pointed out the inadequacy of the present housing accommodations, claiming that the "University is obliged to provide inexpensive but congenial surroundings in which to live." Investigation of housing conditions by means of a poll was suggested by Dean Landis and the Law School Committee of Phillips Brooks House.

Importance Stressed by Dennett

Importance of the questionnaire was stressed by Raymond E. Dennett '36, graduate Secretary of Phillips Brooks House. He stated, "From all evidence at the Brooks House information desk, there seems no question that the housing of graduate students is poor, inadequate, and expensive. There is apparently no decent standard between boarding houses on prices or service. A survey of this sort is badly needed to find out what exactly the situation is."

Although tabulation of the returns will not be completed until the end of this week, results thus far express general dissatisfaction with the present scheme.


Questions Searching

The questionnaire was designed to check on every feature of housing conditions. Its 2,700 recipients were asked to tell how much they pay for their rooms, how far from their classrooms their accommodations are, and whether they live in a dormitory, rooming house, apartment, or private house.

A careful survey was made of the service included in the rental. The poll asked if the rooms were furnished and if maid service, heat, gas, electricity, and telephone service were supplied. A few questions were asked about the eating facilities to supplement last year's questionnaire which was conducted by the Law School Committee of PBH. Dissatisfied students were given ample space to comment on the inconveniences of their living quarters.
