Since combined fields were inaugurated in 1934, 16 different combinations have been allowed, headed by Government and Philosophy and Philosophy and Classics, statistics revealed by the Committee on Choice of Electives showed.
These combined fields are made up by the student's own choice and do not include generally accepted fields such as History and Literature or History and Science. The popularity of the innovation is witnessed by the fact that 132 have taken advantage of the plan.
The most popular fields used in combination are Classics which is a part of nine combinations and Philosophy which is included in six different fields. History, Government and Economics is employed in seven different fields.
With 34 members the field of Philosophy and Government appears to have been the most workable combination, while Philosophy and Classics with 20 members runs second. The case with which Philosophy lends itself to working with another subject is attested to by the fact that 79 have used it as a part of their fields while Classics with 64 is second in this respect.
Claiming 13 members each, Economics and Mathematics and Classics and Government are the next fields in order of enrollment during the period, while with nine each Classics and History and Economics and Philosophy complete the first division.
Other combinations which have been used intermittently over the six year span include Classics and Economics, 7: Philosophy and History, 7: Philosophy and Mathematics. 6: Classics and Classical Archaeology. 4: Philosophy and Psychology, 3: Classics and Fine Arts 3: Classics and Anthropology. 2.
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