The final arguments of the Ames Competition of the Law School clubs next Thursday night will set the stage for the first appearance of a U. S. Supreme Court Justice as a judge in the competition; when Justice Owen J. Roberts will help to select the ablest law team in the Senior Class of the Law School.
At 8 o'clock Thursday night in Langdell Hall Courtroom Justice Roberts with two other federal judges will sit in solemn judgement as two clubs run off the final scene of a three-year elimination, which has involved sixty other clubs or a total of 480 would be lawyers.
The argument will be open to the public without charge, and this year deals with problems of international law, conflict of laws, and agency, raised by the recent Spanish War. Clubs in the competition always debate moot questions of law, and are judged on the merit and ability of their presentation of the case and not on points of law.
Judge Arant Also On Bench
Besides Justice Roberts, the bench will include Judge Herschel W. Arant, of the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit; and Judge Charles E. Clark, of the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. Competiting will be the Williston Club and the Edward Warren Club.
For the Williston Club, William H. Fleming and Richard G. Hershey will be counsel, giving the court presentation. Edward J. Duggan, Edward C. Kennelly, Stephen A. Milwid, Joseph P. Ramsay, Daniel F. Sullivan, and Peter B. Wells assisted them on the brief.
For the Edward Warren Club the attorneys in court will be William D. Cannon Jr. and John M. Phillips.
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