In two announcements issued yesterday, the Executive Council of the Student Union urged all students in the University to take action in opposition to the Hook Bill for a $60,000,000 loan to Finland and to the proposed budget increases in military expenditures and "slashes" in "appropriations for human needs."
Wiring or writing to President Roosevelt, to Senator Key Pittman of the Foreign Relations Committee, and to individual Congressmen was suggested by the Council as the most effective means of action.
The first announcement terming the Hook bill a "clear violation of the spirit of American neutrality," declared that the Council is opposed to it in accordance with resolutions passed in October condemning "any loans on credits to belligerents in the European War."
The second strikes at the budget cuts on the principle that "the war in Europe must under the no circumstances serve as an excuse for curtailment of essential social legislation or for increased militarization of the country.
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