
New Stamp Issue To Honor Former University Head

President Eliot Will Appear On One-Cent Stamp As "Leader Of Opinion"

In honor of Harvard's famous president, Charles Eliot, because he was a "publicist, scientist, and author as well as an educator and because he was one of America's greatest leaders of opinion," a special one cent stamp will be issued this winter, it was announced at the recent meeting of the Stamp Club.

Announcement was also made of the stamp that has just been issued by the Post Office Department commemorating the first piece of printing over done in this country. This event took place in 1639 in the home of Harvard's first president, just three years after the founding of the University.

At the same meeting, Max D. Gaebler '41 was elected president of the club for the coming year. Gilbert N. Plass '41 was elected vice-president and Richardson L. Spofford '41 was named secretary-treasurer.

In a message to the club, the retiring president, David Stern 1L. reminded the club of its ultimate goal: the establishment of a permanent University stamp collection.
