In an editorial entitled "Mr. Hicks Resigns," the Leftist magazine New Masses in its issue to be released tomorrow calls the ex-American Civilization Counselor's resignation from the Communist party and from the board of the publication "ironical" and "regrettable."
"It is ironical that Hicks should quit," the editorial says, "at a time when the basic policies of the magazine are being corroborated by world events." That he should not be among the number of Communist "who have thoroughly understood the ideas which they espoused" is regrettable.
Hicks Among Demoralized
Stating that the majority of the magazine's readers support its stand on the Russian-German alliance, the editorial puts Hicks in the ranks of "people who have incompletely grasped the implications of their philosophy or are susceptible to the current of demoralization with which the enemy seeks to divide progressives in crucial periods."
"Mr. Hicks is taking the path of those men of good will who, during the World War, broke with the forces that continued to work for a truly humane future," the magazine continues. "That future works, as John Reed was able to foresee and as Lincoln Steffens was able to confirm. It is our historic privilege to continue the good fight of Reed and Steffens."
Hicks will give reasons for his sudden split with the party in an article to be published in this week's New Republic.
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