
Over the Wire

Calinescu Assassins Publicly Executed by Soldiers

BUCHAREST--A new military government, using stern measures to wipe out remnants of the Nazi Iron Guard organization, tonight lined up and shot nine of the Nazi terrorists who assassinated Premier Armand Calinescu in the main street of the city at 2:16 P. M.

Six of the young Iron Guardists were led to the spot where the 46-year-old Premier fell from the running board of his car, his body riddled with bullets, and compelled to participate in a macabre reconstruction of the assassination while thousands of persons looked on. Then, when the re-enaction of the crime had been completed, the six men were lined up and shot by a firing squad, which marched off leaving the bodies sprawled in pools of blood. An official invitation had been issued to the public to witness the re-enacting of the crime and the executions, which occurred at 11 P. M.

Three other members of the band who escaped immediately after the shooting were found hiding in their homes, nursing injuries, and were likewise lined up and shot by soldiers. A few minutes after the killing of Calinescu, two of his slayers committed suicide with their guns after being trapped in a store near the scene of the assassination.

The swift punishment for the killing was directed by General George Argeshanu, Commander of the Bucharest Army Corps and former War Minister, who was named premier to replace the slain Calinescu by King Carol II and the Crown Council.
