
Harvard Will Be Well Drilled Team This Season, Predicts Francis Wallace In Sat. Evs. Post Story

Indicated Harvard Will Lead Big Three on Gridiron In Annual Football Contest

Once more Francis Wallace in his yearly football pre-season prediction that appears in this week's Saturday Evening Post has indicated that the Crimson is likely to come through with the Big Three Title.

"Harvard, as has been the case since Dick Harlow took over, will again have a well drilled outfit, with more backfield strength than usual", ventures Wallace. He goes on to say that Captain Macdonald and Tom Hesley are likely to be outstanding on the team.

Of the Tiger outfit that met ever whelming defeat at the hands of the Crimson eleven last fall. Wallace says, "Insiders warn that Tigertown is, perhaps, over-optimistic." He gives little hope to Yale rooters.

In past years Wallace has been covering Harvard-Yale games to gather material for his articles and has had a high reputation for his ability at forecasting trends and outcomes in the football season.
