An athletic plant of the first magnitude will be open to incoming Freshmen this fall in Harvard's 60 acre establishment, comprising 21 competently coached sports.
Dillon Field House, with its ample locked facilities and static gymnasium, is the center of fall athletic activity.
Over a hundred Yearlings respond each year to football coach Skip Stahley's "Come one, come all" invitation. After a few days of conditioning and drilling in fundamentals beneath the warm gun on Soldiers Field, the first squad is selected, the remainder being shunted into Clark Hodder's experienced bands. The first squad's schedule includes top-notch prep-school elevens and several college first-year teams.
Other Fall Sports
Soccer enthusiasts kick the ball around across the street on the Business School fields, under the direction of John McDonald. This sport offers the beginner a good opportunity to earn his Yearling numerals, as few veterans report.
Leather-lunged Yardlings range the length of Soldiers Field Road fall afternoons with Jaako Mikkola, sturdy Crimson track coach, cracking the whip. Others, not seeking numerals, engage in informal track practice under Bill Neufeld.
Long-limited, long-sinewed crew men row during the fall and winter to develop form and stamina for the gruelling spring schedule. When ice-breaking becomes too hazardous for the frail prows of the Crimson shells, Coaches Harvey Love and Bert Haines bring their charges indoors in Newell to practice in the tank.
On and in the Water
Despite the preponderance of veteran material, beginners try out and often comprise a substantial percentage of the top Freshman boats. Crew is the sport most often associated with Harvard.
For those less team minded, there is Weld Boat House with its wherries, camps, and singles. Expert Blake Denison is on hand to coach the landlubber. This sport, less popular in the short, often frigid aurum season, comes into its own in the spring.
Whether they like to get wet or not, incoming Freshmen have to swim two lengths of the 75-foot pool. Failure to do this by the Senior year means no A.B. degree. The pool, one of the fastest in the country, is open during the whole school year, with the team, coached by Larry Peterson, operating during the winter.
Winter Facilities
Another perennial favorite is tennis, coached by Jack Barnaby in the spring. Limited facilities for indoor tennis are available to the winter. Freshman tennis courts are located on Soldiers Field.
With the approach of winter, the $1,200,000 indoor Athletic Building teams with the exception of hockey crew, squash, skiing, and riflery center there.
Above the pool are located three basketball courts, which can be converted into indoor tennis courts. Skip Stahley will direct the '43 dribblers, and the odds are that he will held another fine team.
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