
Mil. Sci. Men Honor Retiring Officers Today at Winthrop

Caisson Club Will Be Host at Smoker And Beer Party; Daly to Speak

Honoring three officers who retire from their positions at Harvard this year, Military Science undergraduates will hold a smoker and beer-party in she Winthrop House Common Room at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon.

In charge of the festivities are the officers of the undergraduate "Caisson Club," a student organization which aims to introduce military science and tactics to the college and to foster esprit de corps in the college unit. These include Phil E. Morin '39, president, Kenneth L. Booth, '39 vice-president, Raymond G. Jones '39, secretary, and Clarence E. Boston '39, treasurer.

Guest speaker for the occasion will be General Daly, a personal friend of Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Harris, who is one of the three retiring officers to be elected.
