
43 Men Awarded Fellowships For Graduate Study

Awards Totalling $20,850 Given By School of Arts and Sciences To Men Everywhere

University fellowships, totalling $20, $50, have been awarded to forty-three men for study in the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences next academic year, as follows:

Walter J. Bate '39, of Richmond Ind.; Sidney W. Benson 1G, of New York, N. Y.; Douglas M. Bowen 2G, of Glen Ridge, N. J.; Reed H. Bradford, graduate student at Louisiana State; James H. Bready, Haverford, '39; Nazzareno F. Cerone 1G, of Boston, Mass.; Alden Clarke '39, of Cleveland, O.; Howard F. Cline '39, of Baltimore, Md.; William A. Coates' 1G, of Milton, Mass.; James B. Conacher, graduate student at Queen's University; Milton Game 1G, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Henry L. Crosby, Jr., now at American School of Classical Studies, Athens; Norton B. Crowell, 1G, of Dallas, Tex.;

Walance S. Davies 3G, of Floral Park, N. Y.; Thomas P. Dillon 1G, of Clinton, Mo.; Erich A. Fivian 2G, of Bern, Switzerland; Donald L. Foley, A.B. Colgate '38, of Syracuse, N. Y.; Edward W. Fox, assistant in History at Harvard, of Cambridge, Mass.; Hans W. Gatzke 1G, of Krefold, Germany; James E. Gunckel, Oxford, O., now graduate student at Miami University; Ralph S. Henderson now teaching at MacJannet Country Day School, St. Cloud, France; Henry R. Hope 1G, of Darien, Conn.; Andrew O. Jaszi 1G, of Oberlin, O.; Milan W. Jerabek, of Minneapolis, Minn., now teaching at University of Minnesota; Jean E. Jones, 1G, of Wichita, Kans.;

Melvin Kranzberg 1G, of University City, Mo.; Waryne L. Lees 2G, of Washington, D. C.; Robert H. Llewellyn, of Carlisle, Pa., Dickinson '39; Edward A. G. Luxton, of Montreal, Canada; Marshall Melin, of Chicago, Ill., now teaching at University of Chicago; Charles Meyer, of St. Louis, Mo., now graduate student at Washington University; Franklin B. Newman, of West Chester Pa., University of Pennsylvania '39; Charles E. Passage 2G, of Dansville, N. Y.; Gardner Patterson, now teaching at University of Michigan;

Walter O. Roberts 1G, of West Brigewater, Mass.; Arthur L. Selikowitz 1G, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Reuben E. Slesinger 1G, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; David Spring, Toronto '39; Robert C. Stauffer 3G, of Minneapolis, Minn.; David M. Stocking Michigan '39; Samuel S. Stratton 1G, of Holley, N. Y.; Ralph E. Wentworth, Bangor, Me. now graduate student at University of Maine; and Morton G. White, of New York, N. Y. now graduate student at Columbia University.
