I am somewhat inclined to feel, at this time of year, that the boys who have not done well, having failed to take advantage of the opportunities that are undoubtedly here, deserve little mention or consideration. . . . It is too bad that some boys won't awaken to their responsibilities and do what they can do to measure up to the best that is in them. About all one can hope for in such cases is that some day such boys will realize how foolish they have been and strive to do better.
So, as the year approaches its close, I prefer to particularly think (sic) of the boys who are to be rewarded for their interest and effort by a recommendation to the effect that their record, in all respects, is good; that their attitude has been satisfactory and is changing for the better; that their viewpoint towards the future is sensible and sound; that they, in short, have done the best they could to get full value out of the present school year. . . .
On Commencement Day, as the year officially closes, the Huntington School diploma will be awarded to those who have earned it. Now it is as good a time as any to congratulate these young men and to wish them success as they face the future. May they continue to find rewards for good work done as other years in their life experience open and close. C. H. Sampson, in the Huntington Record.
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