
Five Jayvee Sports Slated to Be Eliminated on Next Year's Program as Economy Measure

More Money Will Be Used for Athletics; Jayvees Absorbed In Intramural Plan

All Junior Varsity teams with the exception of football and crew will be eliminated next year if the Athletic Association's budget is approved by the Corporation, it was learned yesterday.

William J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics, last night confirmed the reports that there would be no Jayvee competition in baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, and fencing during the 1939-40 season.

Financial Reasons

Mr. Bingham stated that the eliminations in the budget were proposed for financial reasons. The vital Varsity football gate receipts on the 1938-39 schedule were not as large as anticipated. Returns on the 1939-40 season are also expected to be below par because of games with Chicago, New Hampshire and Bates.

The budget for 1939-40 is being planned carefully. Rather than count on large receipts, athletic officials have decided to predict gate returns conservatively.


Increased Intra-Mural Program

The athletic director pointed out that the Junior Varsity teams would actually be incorporated in the intra-mural program, and that accomodations for the growing House sports system, particularly in hockey, were under consideration. This means an added expense for intra-mural sports as a whole.

Most Junior Varsity teams have had informal schedules. The fencing, baseball and hockey Jayvees limited their formal contests to Yale. Only the basketball and soccer Jayvees played other games than those with the Blue.

Abolition of most Junior Varsity sports was originally proposed in the annual report of the Student Council.
