Wellesley struck back with a vengeance early this morning, but due to the vigilance of "the General" Apted and his courageous henchmen, the latest attempt on the virtue of venerable John Harvard was foiled.
Several of the fair culprits had invaded the Yard and were busily engaged in decorating the statue in front of University Hall with a wig, cap and gown, and strangely enough, a hoop.
Apted's men put up a good front despite the danger and succeeded in driving away the invaders who fied casting lending glances back at the Freshman halls.
Latest in a series of profanation which have been perpetrated on the famous statue, this morning's episode was the second attack in as many weeks. On a recent Sunday morning, randals, supposedly representing an checure railway aiding in the woods of New Hampshire, bathed John with bright green paint.
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