
Glee Club Presents Final Yard Concert From Widener

Songsters to Give Third Program of Series Tomorrow

The Glee Club will give the third and final Yard Concert tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock, from the steps of the Widener Library. After the Glee club program there will be general singing of Harvard songs.

The program will be: Cimarosa, two choruses from "Il Matrimonio Segreto;" Bach, "Jesu, Who Didst Ever Guide Me;" Bach, "The Lamb That Was Slain For Us;" Paine, choruses from "The Birds" of Aristophanes; Dvorak, arrangements of two Czechoslovakian folksongs; and Sullivan, Choruses from "Iolanthe." The concert will be broadcast internationally by the non-commercial short wave station W1XAL, of Boston, on 6.04 and 11.73 megacycles.
