The following is the list of students and their guests attending tonight's Jubilee, complete to yesterday noon: JUBILEE COMMITTEE Harvey C. Taylor Jr., bairman Laila Ernet, Brookline John P. Bunker Barbara Boyden, Winnetka, Ill. Thomas C. Carroll Melen Ransom, Nashville, Tenn. Thomas L. Higginson Sally Russell, Brookline George N. Hurd Marjorie Handy, New York Endicott Peabody II Roberts Robb, Brookline Robert T. Abbott Clare Wardaworth, Boston Berrien P. Anderson Mary Anderson, San Francisco Roger Angell Evelyn Baker, Weston Elisha Atkins Elsa Mohr, Philadelphia Charles A. Baker Alice Ann Moore, Newport, R. I. Hugh S. Harbour Maria Kidder, New York City Yale A. Harkan Elinore Glazier, Belmont Daniel D. Barker Celia Hubbard, Cambridge Thomas P. Barneleld Naney Kenyon, Pawtucket Robert Barnet Elizabeth Pratt, Wellesley Hills J. Malsolan Harter Helon Lewis, Beverly Philip C. Beals Dinny Chaffee, Belmont Robert C. Benchley Jr. Doris-Ann Graham, Englewood, N. J. Rodney Hoynton Polly Blodgett, Boston Leon H. Brachman Marcia Wilson, Dorchester Charles Breunig Mary Lewis, Indianapolis Jack E. Bronston Georgia Clark, Rochester, N. H. Walter D. Brooks Anne Keith, Campello Robert P. Brundage Harriet Leatherbee, West Newton Joseph P. Burke Ann Corcoren, Cambridge Henry D. Burnham Elvine Richard, Hewlit, Long Island Chadwick R. Byer Shirley Saxe, Brookline Winthrop L. Carter Diana Fraser, Cambridge William E. Chambers Mitzl Berardi, Cleveland Frederick H. Chatfield Nancy Vogel, Brookline Robert Franklin Chick Dorothy Folk, Brooklyn Edward S. Cholmeley-Jones Betsey Saches, Chestnut Hill Alphonse F. Cifrino Rosamonde Piotti, Dorchester Jesse F. Cleveland Patricia Bammann, Norfolk, Va. Melton D. Cole Anne Eastman, New York Lovat F. Cooper-Ellis Susan Chapin, Brookline Bruce Crawford Fanny Hardon, New York George C. Cunningham Alexandra Matz, Brookline Fellowes Davis Leslie Morgan, Brookline Robert T. Davis Hetsey Griswold, West Hartford, Conn. Henry F. Dunbar Marjorie Scott, Hartford, Conn. Albert Davis Patricia Church, Great Neck, Long Island John K. Eherle Carolyn Goellig, Oak Park, Ill. Richard England Vicary Gratton, Pittsfield William E. C. Eustis Elizabeth Nellson, Chestnut Hill David W. Fay Virginia Anderson, Glen Ridge, N. J. John A. N. Fea Virginia Anderson, Glen Ridge, N. J. John C. Finegan Virginia Gilbert, Gloucester Paul J. Flamand Dorothy Roche, Sharon, Pa. Robert F. Forker Betty Snowden, Pittsburgh Charles N. Foster Winifred Hemenway, Leominster Francis L. Foster Barbara Burton, Providence Irving M. Fried Elizabeth Schwartz, Waukegan, Ill. Nathan H. Garrick Jr. Nancy McLeod, Newton Thomas F. Garvey Mary Lee, Boston Charles S. Glesson Christine Stillman, Wareham George S. Goldstein Frances Sanders, Hartford, Conn. Eli Goldston Barbara Cohen, Brookline Richard W. Greenebaum Bernadetta Handrahan, Brockton Roger C. Griffin Jr. Eleanor Mastin, Needham Ralph W. Grover Carol Spahr, Bellerose David Hadden Katharine Claflin, Belmont William F. Haneman Elizabeth Breed, Chestnut Hill Arthur S. Harrison Louise Stickler, Hartford, Conn. Melvin S. Hathaway Margaret Chamberlain, Hartford, Conn. David Hodgdon Edith Russell, Boston Guy, Holman Bulah Ratliff, New York John W. Huling Barbara Sherry, Worcester Morton B. Jackson Mary Brown, Cleveland Richard Jackson Martha Turner, Cambridge William P. Jacobs Alice Corregan, West Roxbury Marc Jaffe Marjorie Walker, Philadelphia Webster N. Jones Edith Small, Chestnut Hill Albert C. Joyce Jean Sugiue, Salem Eugene D. Keith Alice Coxe, Tenafly, N. J. Graham McD. Kelly Pearl Raining, Needham William H. J. Kennedy Barbara Lydon, Brookline Edward F. Kilroy Doris MacDonald, Utica, N. Y. Owen W. Kite Arleen McHugh, Trenton, N. J. Marvin A. Klemes Shirley Goldsmith, Long Beach, N. Y. Norman P. Knowlton Barbara Matt, North Attleboro John P. Lacy Marice Butler, Montclair, N. Y. Paul A. Lamothe Hatty Ulen, ArlingtonNewhold R. Landon Harrlet Watzon, Wellesley HillsRobert C. Lewis Mary Ann Fotheringham, fit. LouisPaul D. Littlefield Emmy Nelley, Bronzville, N. Y.Richard S. Loomis Emily Hizzell, Suffield, Conn,John Lowell Kleanor Truinhull, WestonHarrinon F. Lyman Nancy Delano, WabanPeter MacGowan Joyce Russell, Beverly Hills, Cal.John McLaughlin Joanne Shanahan, SomervilleMalcolm P. McNair Elise Pickhardt, West NewtonWoodbridge Marshall Margery Wheeler, Pasadena, Cal.Allen W. Mathis Louise Barr, WorcesterAlton Meister Ruth Garlen, New YorkSanford Menter Rosalie Goldstein, New YorkAlan Miller Boris Sawyer, AndoverLawrence S. Munson Polly Saltonstall, SherbonLester J. Murphy Marjorie Pitten, BostonHomer S. Musgrave Nelly Frogus, Mount Lebanon, Pa.Walter Nichols Maclin Bococh, Williamsburg, Va.Oliver S. Oldman Alice Walker, Woodmere, N. Y.Myron Oppenheimer Harrict Wolfson, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.John Ordway II Dorothea Thomas, Portland, Me.Donald Ottenstein Delphine Wofsey, Stamford, Conn.Thomas C. Peebles Patricia Taylor, Newton CenterRobert E. Pittis Sally Bradford, Washington, D. C.John D. Philipsborn Elizabeth Monigomery, ChicagoJames E. Price II Ann Tarbell, LincolnJohn F. Prudden Ruth May, BeverlyHenry W. Reed Nancy Parker, LowellEugene J. Reilly Helen Keyes, HullJohn C. Robbins, Jr. Hephizibah McWeebles, Dunkling-in-CharlesPaul C. Rodgers Jr. Elizabeth McCarthy, Syracuse, N. Y.Melvin H. Rodman Phyllis Ourieff, BrooklineRochester H. Rogers Jr. Margery Williams, WorcesterJoseph Romano Catherine Pindo, BrooklynWilliam L. Roney Virginia Reed, Long IslandWalter N. Rothschild Polly Faulkner, CambridgeWilbur H. Sawyer Lois Greaser, Haddenfield, N. J.Francis X. Scannell Margaret McLaughlin, RoslindalePaul J. R. Schlessinger Anne Singer, CambridgeHeinzdieter von Schoenermarck Dorothy Rick, BrooklineMarvin J. Shapiro Sylvia Shugarman, CambridgePhilip P. Sharples Georgiana Pratt, Chestnut HillLawrence K. Shaul Groen Tucker, Scranton, Pa.Harvey P. Sleeper Margaret Bassett, Rockville Center, L. I.Lawrence H. Sloane Janet Barrow, BrooklineGurdon H. Slosberg Jane Woronack, Brooklyn, N. Y.George L. Snow II Peggy Ann Cross, Wellesley HillsErnest C. Staber Betty Faye Smith, Kansas City, Mo.Richard B. Stedman Anne Derrick, Washington, D. C.Richard Stern Nancy McKelvie, Mt. Lebanon, Pa.Bayard C. Stone Jeanne Sipley, Elkins Park, Pa.John E. Tully Mary Grist, West RoxburyRichard N. Thomas Elinor Bennett, FalmouthCharles Thurlow III Constance Guitner, Columbus, OhioLeo W. Tobin Melva Whittemore, BostonLester H. Tobin Sylvia Goldsmith, Bridgeport, Conn.Philip W. Trumbull Peggy Seaver, New Bedford, Conn.Arthur W. Viner Jean Freeman, Winnetka, Ill.Jacob A. Walker Marion Baird, Montclair, N. J.Edward C. Weren Patricia Drew, West Roxbury, Mass.Donald C. Wetmore Virginia Clapp, CambridgeJohn R. White Nancy Kelly, New YorkRoyal G. Whiting Priscilla Crocker, BrooklineDavid B. Williams Virginia Floyd, MiltonLeonard W. Williams Alice Pinkham, BrooklineGrafton L. Wilson Charlotte Donald, Barnstead, N. Y.Lothrop Withington Jr. Marietta Withington, BrooklineDavid W. Witmer Nancy Wilbur, WinchesterPayson R. Wolff Shirley Merson, Jersey City, N. J.Samuel E. Worthen Eloise Dickey, Atlanta, GeorgiaHoward W. Young Agnes Brown, Newark, N. J.William H. Wood Jr. Virginia Hare, Sharo