

Eliot Finishes Length and Half Back Of Winners; Elephant Second Eight Wins Jayvee Race

Kirkland's powerful eight swept the Charles yesterday in the finals of the inter-House crew regatta, leaving Eliot, last year's champions, by a length and a half, and thereby earning the right to race a Yale boat on Saturday.

In a preliminary heat the Elephant second crew finished ahead of Lowell in the deciding round of the House Jayvee boats.

Eliot Second

The Deacon first boat, which averages 171 pounds and has a generous sprinkling of ex-Varsity material, clipped off a 7:42 time over the Henley course against a head wind and choppy water. Eliot followed in 7:48 3-5, a length ahead of the Bunnies, as the Puritan bow lapped Leverett by half a length.

Two and a half lengths ahead of the Bellboy seconds, the Eliot Jayvees crossed in 8:21. Kirkland and Winthrop fought it out in an uneven sprint at the finish, the Puritans failing to nip their rivals in time and crossing in a dead heat for third place.
