George W. Phillips '39, president of the Glee Club, will conduct the second Yard concert tonight on the steps of Widener Library at 7 o'clock, over an international radio hook-up.
The program for the evening will include "The Lamb That Was Slain For Us" by Bach; "Martinslied" by Hindemith; "Gram," a Czechoslovakian folk song arranged by Dvorak; three madrigals by Gastoldi; "Miserere" by Allegri; a French folk song, "Sone Cornouailais"; and choruses from "Iolanthe" by Gilbert and Sullivan.
Shortwave station WIXAL of Boston will carry the program on 6.04 and 11.73 megacycles, and will broadcast the concert all over the world. Soloist of the evening will be Harrison McK. Raine '40.
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