

Instructors and Assistants for History, French, English, Government Fields, Engineering School Named

Eighteen appointments of instructors, assistants, and tutors for the History, English, French, German, and Government Departments, and for the Engineering School were made yesterday by the University.

As instructors and tutors in History, the College named Oscar Handlin, M.A. '35, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; and Edwin L. Popper 8G., of New York City, Paul E. Molloy 3G., of Winchester; Henry F. Thoma 2G., of Springfield, Illinois; William E. Rowley '37 of Newton Centre; and Wallace Stegner, Ph.D. Iowa '35, of Cambridge were appointed assistants in English.

The University named Albert L. Rabinowitz 3G., of Chelsea; James R. Reid, M.A. '36, of Syracuse University; Francis M. Rogers, M.A. '37, of New Bedford; and Alan S. Trueblood '28, of Dodds Ferry as instructors in French. Alexander M. Fowler 2G., of Cambridge, was named instructor in German.

For the Government Department, the College named the following instructors and tutors: Laurence L. Barber, Jr. 2G., of Arlington; Charles R. Cherington, LL.B. '38, of Cambridge; Guy H. Dodge 5G., of East Cleveland, Ohio; and William S. McCauley 1G., of Cambridge.

The following received appointments in Engineering School: Walter J. Cunningham of Waco, Texas.
