
Pickets Adopt Unique Tactics in Taxi Strike; Use Phone to Urge Cab Boycott

Students Call Names at Random; Ask People to Refrain From Using Conveyances

Adopting new tactics in their three-week-old walkout against the Cambridge Yellow Cab Company, strikers are now organizing a corps of student pickets who "picket by telephone."

According to Jack Russell, organiser, a number of University students are already engaged in this "effective weapon," which consists of sitting down with a telephone book and calling names at random. When a person answers be is informed of the strike and asked to refrain from using the cabs.

Hope For Settlement

The strike, which only recently was shifted to the supervision of the Division of Transport Workers of the C.I.O., will probably reach a settlement within the next few days according to both Union and Company officials.

Pickets, Manager Differ


According to pickets 72 of the company's 90 drivers are on strike, but McGann, company manager, claims that only a third of the company's men are on the walkout list.

The student lines have practically been abandoned in favor of the new brand of telephone picketing, and according to company workers the only men walking the lines now are long shoreman hired especially for the purpose.

For three weeks Student Union members had been picketing in the Square.
