
Tutoring Problem at Princeton, Yale Found Small Compared to Harvard's

Student Tutoring Association Is Operating With Success At Nassau

According to surveys by Time magazine and reports from the Yale News and Daily Princetonian to the CRIMSON, Yale and Princeton have a tutoring problem unique to American Universities, but small in comparison to Harvard.

Tutoring has a place at Yale and Princeton, but at both New Haven and Princeton it is well monopolized by two fairly quiet and limited tutoring agencies. At Princeton there is a University sponsored undergraduate tutoring organization which advertises in the Princetonian.

The Elm City Tutoring School and the Rosenbaum School divide the tutoring business of Yale about evenly. Together they tutor about 900 yearly, with the price of reviews being considerably higher than the established rate in Harvard Square.

Elm City School

The Elm City School was founded in 1912 when Nathan Francis was asked to retire from his teaching at Yale because he also carried on extensive tutoring on the side. He took over the old Rexbury School and formed the new organization. Francis also owns a preparatory school at Cheshire, Coun.


Samuel and Harris Rosenbaum head the other Eli tutoring bureau and also run the Milford school. They have been tutoring ever since they graduated from Yale in 1907 and 1908.

The Yale News reports that according to student opinion both schools are run "on a fairly honest basis." They are in "comparative seclusion," advertising announcements of reviews and comparatively mild blurbs.

University School

"The University has been trying to undermine both schools by providing a Tutoring Service manned by self-supporting students," stated Time in 1936.

The News considers the fact that many courses at Yale have written daily papers the reason why tutoring is not more prevalent.

Princeton has had success with its Student Tutoring Association, and according to the Princetonian the faculty "are wholly behind the S. T. A., even to the point where individual professors advise student tutors."

The other tutoring agency at Princeton is the Hun School which is also a well known preparatory school. It does about as much business as the student agency and gives free tutoring to all its graduates.

The student agency and Hun each tutor about 175 annually, and the only report of unethical practices was that of a ghost writer in New York who wrote some these last year. A vigorous campaign by the Princetonian combined with the honor system stamped this illegality out.
