
Racquetmen Express Opposite Views On Student Council's Athletic Report

Squash Captain Canavarro Hits Plan to Abolish Minor, J. V. Sports Teams

This is the second in a series of articles attempting to present undergraduate reaction to the Student Council's report designed to abolish all minor and Junior Varsity (except football and crew) sports.

The now famous Student Council Athletic Report was released more than a week ago, and the decision made on it by the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports will not be available until more than a week hence, but there hasn't been the slightest lull in undergraduate interest in the proposal.


Latest undergraduate sports captain to add his condemnation of the report to that of many others is Kim de S. Canavarro '40, captain-elect of Coach Jack Barnaby's squash team. Canavarro's main objections are based upon the contention that the Council's report would "make the coaching situation impossible."

"Also, if you put a plan into effect which means transporting minor and Jayvee athletes into the House sports system, you would obviously hurt the chances of the present House participants to make the teams, and thus defeat the ultimate aim of the Council's Plan."


Burt Backs Plan

Another Barnaby-coached racquet man, and incidentally one of the six Committeemen who has been working since last fall on the report, is David S. Burt, '40 and he presents the majority view of the Council.

"I favor the Council plan because it contains many important features making it possible to institute a system by which the average fellow gets a better chance for exercise."
