
Varsity Oarsmen Outclass Rutgers, Tech, B.U.; Batsmen Take Third Straight Victory at Penn

1942 Rows Record 6:41 Time While Downing M.I.T.; J.V.'s, 150's Win

With little trouble the crew returned the Rowe cup to Harvard hands for another year, Saturday, when they swamped the Rutgers crew by an easy six lengths on home waters. M. I. T. narrowly captured third from a B. U. crew which has entered intercollegiate competition for the first time.

In the first race of the afternoon, the Freshmen capitalized on ideal conditions and a highly competitive race to leap out ahead of the Tech crew taking them by a good two and a half lengths to break the course record in the amazing time of 6:41. In other races of the early afternoon, the Jayvees easily outrowed the Tech seconds by a liberal seven lengths with the Rutgers second boat trailing.

Lightweights Win

The lightweight varsity also outdistanced M. I. T's crew by six lengths at the finish, while the second 150's left Tech three lengths astern in an extracup race. All of the races were rowed over the Henley course on the Charles River Basin.

By the time of the varsity race, the ideal conditions of the freshman race were non-existent, and the four boats had to brace against a broadside wind all of the way down the course. Even with this disadvantage the varsity almost nicked the Freshman record by crossing the finish in 6:42. After the first twenty strokes, the beat was lowered to a long powerful thirty-two, and the varsity pulled ahead of the others steadily. With magnificent poise and an easy swing to their oars, the varsity showed up beautifully even though the port list caused by the wind threw them off balance a little and made the port oars struggle a little at both ends of the stroke.


Rowe Raises Stroke

At the mile and a quarter mark, Bill Rowe proved his ability to raise the stroke by raising the beat to a good thirty-eight. The strong fast sprint roughened the crew's form a bit, but not enough to hurt the spacing too noticeably. The sprint was held until the end of the race and as the crew crossed the finish, the sweeps were cutting out a sharp thirty-nine.

Perhaps the best looking crews of the regatta were Bert Haines' two 150 lb. crews, stroked by Vince Balley and Bob Homans respectively. Although they were jumped at the start and had to overstroke their opponents by two beats, they came through with flying colors.

Jayvees Win

Showing the best form of the year, the Jayvees crashed through with a victory by a roughly estimated seven lengths. With this year's second eight made up mostly of "comers" they have shown unusual spirit and will probably turn out as a marvelous crew this season.

The boatings of Harvard's Rowe cup crews follows:

The Varsity

Stroke, Rowe; seven, Stevens; six, Gray; five, Kernan; four, Fowler; three, Talbot; two, Richard; how, Pirnie; and Coxswain, Shortlidge.


Stroke, Wilson; seven, Hinckley; six, Taylor; five, Kingman; four, Reed, three, Moffat; two, Hovey; bow, Ninde; and Coxswain, Fox.

150 Pound Crew

Stroke, Bailey; seven, Turner; six, Pierce; five, Gifford; four, Hazard; three, Crocker; two, Koeniger, bow, Gilkey; and Coxswain, Phippen.


Stroke, Pennoyer; seven, Bacon; six, Whitman; five, Marshall; four, Villa; three, Herter; two, Erskine; bow, Everett; and Coxswain, Ducey
