
Stickmen Suffer Loss, 3-1, to Strong Stevens Ten; Yardlings Beaten

Varsity Faces Rugged Dartmouth Aggregation Next

Unexpected resistance met the Varsity lacrosse team Saturday afternoon when they lost 3 to 1 to the Stevens Institute ten from Hoboken, New Jersey. In less than a week the stickmen will face Dartmouth in one of the hardest games of the season, and the Stevens match did not find the Crimson up to mid-season form.

Jess Willard was the first to tally a goal, making it on a pass from Pete Zouck, Sophomore out home man. In the third period Gordon Halstead chalked up a second point on a pass from Frank Downey. Zouck, made the third goal unassisted in the last of the 15-minute cantos.

Hammond Plays

Coach Skip Stanley, who had anticipated a much better showing from his squad, found the defense slow in clearing the ball out of home territory, and the attack weak in breaking free for passes. To get a strong attack under way, Captain Hammond, who had not intended to play due to a bad nose, saw service most of the second half.

Utterly overwhelmed and outmanned were the Freshmen, who bowed before Deerfield 11-0 on Saturday. Known as one of the very best combines in the East, the Deerfield team was continually refreshed by batches of reserves, whereas the Yardlings had only some six spares.
