

New Organization Has 30 Members, Will Try to Get Studio; to Eschew Dueling, Absinthe, and Berets

Formed to enable students to achieve a broader approach to art through creative work and study groups, the Harvard Art Students' League, with a charter membership of 30, follows the Harvard Radio Workshop as the second new organization this year in the field of artistic expression.

The fledgling society will not fall in line with the Greenwich Village tradition if it lives up to a resolution passed at a recent meeting which forbids all members "to wear berets, drink absinthe, or fight duels with other members."

Open to all Harvard and Radcliffe students, one of the stated aims of the organization is to investigate "the relationship of art to society." Members, who have held a total of six meetings to date, will attempt to obtain a studio-workshop.

Robert Koch '39, is chairman, and Henry Steinhardt '42 secretary of the League. On the executive council, chosen on a cross-section basis, are Lloyd Booth, Jr., '39; Peter Black '42; Henry Landy 1G Frances Baxter, Radcliffe '40; and Sarah Caumann, Radcliffe '39.
