
Characteristics of Dunster, Lowell, Winthrop Discussed in House Article

Dunster Is Called Independent; Lowell distinctive for Scholarship

(This is the last of a series of articles on the Individual characteristics of the Houses designed to help Freshman in making their choice. The articles are run in the order in which the material has been received.)


Although equipped adequately for almost any interest, Dunster House is chiefly characterized by its independent spirit. Isolated in position, it has developed as an integrated whole more than any of the other Houses.

Economics is the leading field because of an excellent tutoring staff headed by Seymour Harris, associate professor of Economics, a well stocked library on all the Social Sciences, and the large number of Economics concentrators that regularly enter the House. The eminently successful Dunster House Economics Society is a manifestation of this side of the House.

However, even though Economics has been dominant for the last few years the tutoring staff is well balanced in other subjects and the interest groups are fairly all-inclusive. In contrast to the other Houses there is no regular tutors table, the tutors circulating through the dining room. Also there are no regular House diners though on frequent occasions informal speakers serve to provide garnish to the evening meal.



High scholarship and balance of all interest are the outstanding characterization of Lowell House.

Leading fields in the House are English, Science, and the Social Sciences with the tutoring staff and the library bearing these trends out. It regularly turns out a higher percentage of Phi Beta Kappa men than any of the other Houses.

There are three main organizations in the House, all of them active and two of them claiming members from other Houses. The Musical Society has just finished production of the seldom produced Purcell opera "King Arthur". Two meetings of the Social Science Symposium have produced lively discussions of Darwinism and Marxism. The Scientific Society is the only one of its kind in the Houses and is participated in by many out of House men.

In inter-House sports the House also boasts an excellent record having taken the Straus Trophy three out of four years. This House spirit is further manifested in a year book the "Chronicle" and a small weekly newspaper the "Chroniclette."


A thoroughly democratic spirit in which suggestions rule the House committee, and an excellent dining room presided over by Mrs. DePinta, who knows everybody's name by the end of the first month, are the most distinctive characteristics of Winthrop House.

Its fields are well balanced with the Social Sciences and English perhaps in the lead and Biology and Chemistry also presented in the tutoring staff. Its library has been built up considerably in the last few year and is among the best.

Activities in the House are fairly varied and well participated in since most of them are the direct result of suggestions from House members. They include a bridge club which sponsors a tournament, a ping-pong tournament, informal victroia dances, a photographic exhibit, and an original play.

As for the groups in the House during the past two years, the Prep-school group has become increasingly dominant, although the apportionment between Houses of the Central Committee has succeeded in keeping a moderate balance.
