
Mrs DeHaas Hits DAR Intolerance And Reactionism

Wife of University Professor Says Reform Is Keynote Of Revolution

"It is hardly fair to call our movement a 'revolt'," Mrs. J. Anton DeHaas, wife of J. Anton DeHass, William Ziegler Professor of International Relationship, said yesterday in referring to the break in the ranks of the D.A.R. as revealed several days ago.

"We, rather than rebel against the old guard, are trying to show them where they are wrong, and to protest against the 'reactionary' and intolerant feeling in the D.A.R." The only retaliation of the patriotic stand patters hard up to this time, was to call the insurgents 'Reds'.

"We can only take that accusation as seriously as a remark of that kind can be taken," Mrs. DeHaas said. "After all," she continued, "when they make a statement like that, we can say that our ancestors have been here as long as their have."

Dr. Walter B. Cannon, George Higginson Professor of Physiology, when he was reached yesterday refused to make any statement about the part he would play in the formation and organization of the "Descendants of the American Revolution."

"Right now," he said, "I am only a member." It was learned, however, on good authority that Professor Cannon would take his place on a national steering committee.
