
Managers for Inter-House Debating Council Selected

Tournament to be Run Off Shortly by Sponsoring Organization

Managers were announced yesterday for the inter-House debating competition, sponsored by the Varsity Debating Council. The first round, which will be run off within the next two weeks, will bring together Lowell and Eliot, Leverett and Dunster, Adams and Winthrop, Kirkland will face a team composed of commuters, and residents of Apley and Claverly.

The managers will be: Adams, John F. Ambrose '41; Dunster, Richard B. Wolf '41; Kirkland, Richard S. Lane 41; Leverett, David Wells '41; Lowell, Walter A. Meier and Nathan Belfer '41; Winthrop John Donnel '40; and Apley-Claverly Dudley; Henry D. Wymer.
