

The main proposals of the Teachers' Union Committee on appointment and tenure are as follows:

Rules of tenure should be definitely fixed by the Administration and made available to members of the teaching staff.

Assistants should be adequately paid according to a scale of payment uniform for all departments, and their functions should be alike within departments and comparable in the University as a whole.

Instructors should be given a standard three-year term with a chance to get experience by doing more lecturing and seminar work. A central placement bureau should be formed to find positions for men who are not retained here.

Assistant professors should have a flexible rank and salary, with economics in high ranks for the benefit of lower ones, and the minimum retiring age lowered from 65 to 60.


Chairmen of Departments should be elected by all members of Departments.

A Committee on Appointments should be elected in each Department, consisting of five men on a rotating system of three-year tenure. Its function would be to investigate and recommend men for appointment and promotion, and it should be composed of all ranks.
