
Glee Club Leaves Sixty Strong For Long Spring Tour

Under Direction of Woodworth, Singers Plan to Visit Five Cities

Spanning half the continent, the Glee Club will travel during the coming vacation to five of the nation's most celebrated musical centres New York City, Syracuse, Cleveland, Chicago, and Rochester.

No less than 60 men are going along on this trip, which is the most elaborate of the Club's annual undertakings. Receptions, dances, and many Harvard Club entertainments await the singers, who were carefully selected to make the trip by G. Wallace Woodworth '24, the Club's conductor.

Nine Full Days

En route for New York Saturday, the Club will perform first at the Harvard Club in that city. After stops in Syracuse and Cleveland, the group will sing with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in two concerts. As a special feature, there will be a broadcast at Rochester, thus bringing to a close nine days crammed with activity.

Only two solo parts have been arranged. The soloists chosen by Woodworth are Fred Rogosin '39 and Harrison McK. Rainie, Jr. '40. Although four Freshmen made the grade last year, only one Yardling is to participate in the present series.
