
Over the Wire

Defense Bill Passed

WASHINGTON--Congress today voted President Roosevelt a powerful foreign policy weapon when it completed action on his $358,000,000 emergency Defense Bill and sent it to the White House for signature.

Mr. Roosevelt demanded the program as his answer to the dictators after Germany began dismemberment of the Czechoslovakian republic.

At the same time he said it would be an integral part of his program to unify the nations of this hemisphere under the banner of "continental solidarity."

The measure authorizes a fleet of 6000 planes for the Army Air Corps, the most potent aerial force in the nation's history, calls for new and stronger fortifications around Panama Canal, bolsters seacoast and inland defenses, increases the size of the Army, and equips it with vast supplies of vital equipment such as automatic rifiles, anti-aircraft guns and artillery.

LONDON -- Europe's "Stop Hitler" drive tonight brought Great Britain and France into consultation on proposals for extension of their military entente to include general staff consultations with Soviet Russia's Red Army.


British spokesmen regarded it as inevitable that the Anglo-French defense alliance would be expanded to include talks with Russian military leaders.

Such consultations, although not involving any actual military pact or advance commitments, would bring together a tri-power strength of nearly 24,000,000 active and trained troops--almost three times the manpower of the dictatorships
